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Tonight’s sunset will be the earliest one ever in NYC until fall 2022

Tonight’s sunset will be the earliest one ever in NYC until fall 2022

Although we've just entered the "my bones are freezing even while I'm sitting on top of the heater" phase of the classic New York winter, brighter (and warmer!) days are ahead: tonight's 5pm sunset will be the earliest one we'll witness until November 6, 2022. That means the days are officially getting longer. Woohoo!

New York Metro Weather pointed out the occurrence on Twitter earlier this week, reminding us that we've actually only been averaging about 9 hours of sunlight in total each day since the beginning of December (just a month back, the sun went down as early as 4:30pm!). Yes, that's depressing indeed.

In true New York style, folks replied to the tweet with some very funny (and some odd) thoughts. Here's a collection of our favorites:

With more daylight hours comes the chance to enjoy the daytime offerings of this great city of ours so make sure to consult our guide to the best things to do in NYC this weekend. You might even want to peruse through the 13 amazing hidden streets in NYC that we've recently highlighted—the sunshine will help you find them, after all.

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