Yesterday's heavy rains turned subway stations into indoor waterfalls

Every time it heavily rains in New York City, subway stations get flooded. We've seen it happen plenty of times before and, yet, when new videos of similar occurrences show up, we can't look away.
Good to see the NYC subway holding up through a rain storm #subwaycreatures
— Rick (@SubwayCreatures) July 18, 2022
Case in point: yesterday's thunderstorms, which actually turned plenty of subway stations into literal indoor waterfalls.
One specific clip posted to Twitter by user Subway Creatures shows the Dyckman Street stop in Inwood drenched in water. Train service was rightfully suspended in the area because of flooding at the stop. According to the MTA, up to 14 inches of water "impacted the third rail that provides electrical power" to the trains.
Rain-related issues plagued the entire system. As seen in another video posted by Subway Creatures, a whole lot of water gushed on the edge of the L train platform at the Jefferson Street stop as well. Take a look right here:
— Rick (@SubwayCreatures) July 18, 2022
Although yesterday's storm was a pretty bad one, we can't help but remember last summer's tropical storm Elsa, which dumped about 1.56 inches of rain in a single hour in the middle of July, sending New Yorkers fleeing inside for cover... and very much flooding a lot of subway stations in the relatively short amount of time. You can still watch videos of New Yorkers horrifically swim through the subway system to remind yourself of how dangerous it can really get out there.
Speaking of rain-related problems: just last week, the city released "Rainfall Ready NYC," a new plan that will help citizens prepare for extreme weather moving forward. The outline includes updated flood zone maps that will let New Yorkers know whether they live in an area at risk of flooding or not, plus guidance on clearing debris from catch basins and the expansion of the FloodNet system, "a network of street flooding sensors designed to better understand the frequency, severity, and impacts of flooding in New York City," according to an official press release.
Obviously missing from the plan is a solution to the flooding of subway stations that seems to plague riders every few months. Alas, we've got to start somewhere, right?
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