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This is the most popular coffee drink in NYC

This is the most popular coffee drink in NYC

Let's be honest: our obsession with coffee runs so deep that, when push comes to shove, we'll drink the magic potion any which way you prepare it for us—drip, French press, cold brew, Nespresso. 

However, we all have our preferences. Some New Yorkers find the need to sip on a hot cup of java even during sweltering summer days, for example, while others will gladly hold on to an iced coffee while shoveling snow.

Betting company Betway has done some research on the matter, specifically looking at the most searched-for coffee drinks in each U.S. state by analyzing the average Google search volume for each locale from the past 12 months for terms relevant to coffee. 

Turns out that, when looking at the country as a whole, most people are partial to iced coffee. Black coffee and cold brew follow in terms of national popularity.

Things are pretty different when zooming into the New York-specific data. In fact, according to the survey, most of us prefer lattes over anything else. Filtered coffee and cappuccini round up the top three ranking of New York-specific drinks.

Below, find the top 11 most-searched-for coffee drinks in New York:

1. Latte
2. Filtered coffee
3. Cappuccino
4. Black coffee
5. Cold brew
6. Espresso
7. Mocha
8. Americano
9. Cafe au lait
10. Caramel macchiato
11. Macchiato

While we're on the topic, we'd like to highlight our list of best coffee shops in NYC (which also double as some of the very best places to visit in town, period) and best bookstore cafés in NY, which we highly recommend visiting on a freezing winter day. There's just something about cozying up with a book and a cup of coffee with snow falling outside while surrounded by other New Yorkers that tugs at the heartstrings.

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